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Welcome delegates to NCMUN 2018, 


My name is Nieves Padilla and I am the undersecretary for UNICEF.

UNICEF is the committee in charge of protecting and defending all children's rights, it is responsible for solutions to make the lives of all children healthy and valuable. 


Delegates what I expect from you is that you learn and follow the protocol to the letter and that your  participation is excellent. Your information must be clear and valuable.


I hope you have an amazing first experience of  MUN, because we made sure you enjoy it to the fullest.

This model is made for you, so be sure to enjoy it and express yourself, in this type of conference. It is also made so that you think about the problems around the world, and I'm grateful that you chose this committee to debate for what is right.


Delegates welcome, and I hope you all enjoy being here, see you in the NCMUN 2018.

Nieves Padilla Rabell

Undersecretary of UNICEF

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